Monday, January 2, 2012

Note to 2012

dear 2012,
i'm really excited for everything you might bring to my little family. i feel like this year could really be our most exciting and adventurous yet! 2011 was a little rude to me but i know you won't be like that. i know you'll be the year for growing and building self esteem and confidence and basically really becoming the person i've always wanted to be. i also know you'll be full of creativity and hopefully some good health thrown in there too, that would be nice. but mostly i want you to be a year full of love and fun! 
let's see if we can make that happen.
love, Nikki


Caitlin said...

Good luck to you guys in 2012! Glad to hear that someone else is in this ugly moving boat with us...I'm fortunate that my job essentially allows me to live anywhere, but regardless moving still drives me crazy. Good luck, again!

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