Friday, February 25, 2011

fainting for Franco

went and saw 127 Hours again last night before it's taken out of theaters.
man i LOOOOOVE that movie!
everything about it!
the music, the sweet camera views, the craziness, the dialogue with himself.
plus James Franco is the star and he's amazing!
and even though there's that whole cutting his arm off thing it's okay because then he repels a wall and walks really far and finds people and they give him water and he gets rescued it makes me so happy.
and makes hubsy cry.
and makes sari laugh at me for saying i love when the people give him water.
it's just an all around great movie!
and now i'm going to spend the rest of the night trying to sew something amazing.
the only problem is the tutorial i'm following was made for little children so i'm trying to convert everything into adult size.
but if it works man oh man will it be worth it!
p.s. Matt came up with the title of this post and he's very proud of it


Anonymous said...

FYI-the project...TOTALLY worth it!!! You converted to adult beautifully.

<3 one happy dino-feet girl. :)

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