with all the school/work we've had throughout this entire pregnancy we thought a babymoon would be out of the question for sure but magically, the stars aligned and my parents gave us an early Christmas gift and sent us to a hotel for Thanksgiving weekend!
we had plans of eating way too much food and drinking sparkling cider while wearing hotel robes.
and i couldn't stop thinking how much i would love to float around weightless in the pool for-e-ver!
unfortunately, Hawaii had other plans in mind. like rain!
it rained almost the whole time we were at the hotel but we didn't let that spoil anything!
i still got to float around in the pool for a little while and we still ate some great food!
i also had Matt paint my toenails since i can't even think about reaching my feet and i was sure to take a picture to thoroughly embarrass him!
plus, we took FULL advantage of the AC unit in our hotel room since we're still sweating buckets in our little apartment.
yes, even in December.
we had literally been in the hotel room for two seconds before Matt's shirt was off and the AC was set low.
and then he makes this little video.
and i never stop laughing at his little hip shake dance!
so Hawaii couldn't get us down!
this baby on the other hand, he certainly has a mind of his own!
he didn't want to miss out on all the fun we were having so on Saturday he decided to scare me and be super lazy. usually he's active active active so i didn't like the fact that i couldn't feel him wiggling and squirming.
then there was some bleeding. i thought maybe it was just normal and nothing to worry about since it wasn't very much blood but i called my doctor just to be sure and he sent us to the birthing center to get checked out.
everything turned out just fine but for a second there i thought we were going to have a baby that night!
and of course the only thing i could think about was the fact that we hadn't been smart enough to think to bring a hospital bag or the car seat with us.
yeah...apparently those are the kinds of things i worry about when i think i'm going to be pushing a baby out of my lady bits.
BUT...no baby arrived during the babymoon. thank goodness.
and we still managed to salvage the rest of the weekend after our little hospital trip and we had a really great time for our last hurrah before Baby Mars gets here!
*note: Matt is seriously hilarious! when we were gonna take that pic of our robe wearing/cider drinking he set the timer on his phone and then jumped on the bed and said "laugh like we're rich!" and now i can't stop laughing at that ridiculous picture! even though robes are probably the most unflattering thing for a pregnant person to wear EVER!
You guys are so smart to do this! We never did. I can't stop laughing at that picture either!
Wow, congratulations!! I was just thinking of you last night and wanted to check your blog to see what you're up to...so exciting you're having a baby! :)
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