Monday, September 9, 2013

last first day of school before baby

was it seriously the first day of fall semester already?!
i literally just finished summer semester a week ago and i'm already back at it.
today really felt like it flew by.
i had four classes in a row today. that seems like too much and then i remember that on wednesdays i have to be at school from 8:30am-5:30pm.
yeah...this semester isn't going to kill me right? RIGHT??

baby boy was a champ today during all the syllabus reading and introduce yourself-ing.
the only time i was like "ok baby and i are over this" was when i was standing in the ridiculously long line at the bookstore waiting to waste a good chunk of a paycheck on books i'll never use again after the next 3 months.
book buying
oh the joys of being a college student.

Matt reminded me yesterday that this is the last first day of school i'm gonna have before the little nugget arrives.
and then he realized that we probably should've done something super fun this summer because now when are we gonna get a chance to take a vacation before the little nugget arrives?
oh well, hopefully we can swing something for our anniversary in november.
all i kept thinking about all day was when exactly the final exams are being held because if this baby comes sooner than he's supposed to (which doctor said is very likely) then how the heck am i going to take those exams??
i refuse to sit in these classes all semester just to miss the finals and fail the classes! 
so baby, are you listening? you need to stay in there until my very last final is turned in. get it? got it? good!

the very best part of my day was wearing my new flannel jacket Matt let me buy! 
first day of school feet
pretty sure i'm never taking it off for as long as i live! 


AZ Larsens said...

Flannel jacket? It's like you are channeling your big sis circa 1996!

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